1. Basics
1.1. Reference documentation
1.2. New web API documentation
1.3. Request endpoints
1.4. How to get security token
1.5. Request methods
1.6. Query via web browser
1.7. Request parameters
1.7.1. Time Interval
1.7.2. Mandatory vs. Optional
1.8. Query response
1.8.1. Response Time Zone
1.8.2. Response Time Period 1
1.8.3. Response Time Period 2
1.8.4. Response Time Period 3
1.8.5. CurveType A01 vs A03
1.9. Response Direction
1.10. Rejection of request
2. Parameter List
2.1. Available parameters
2.2. Contract_MarketAgreement.Type
2.3. Type_MarketAgreement.Type
2.4. Auction.Type
2.5. Auction.Category
2.6. PsrType
2.7. BusinessType
2.8. ProcessType
2.9. DocStatus
2.10. DocumentType
2.11. flowDirection.direction
2.12. Standard_MarketProduct
2.13. Original_MarketProduct
2.14. Imbalance_Price.category
2.15. PriceDescriptor.type
2.16. financial_Price.direction
2.17. Areas
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